Saturday, June 30, 2012

Inspirational Saturday

The weather is sticky and hot, and I sit baking away in my un-airconditioned apartment in Philadelphia. Today, I am posting two stories (submitted by Sally T., San Francisco, CA):

And with that, I send refreshing air your way, wherever you are. 

Cheers to a happy Saturday,

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Buzzfeed does it again.

In a world that continues to struggle with homophobia and anti-gay sentiment, when people still post horrifically closed minded and offensive views on a happy Oreo ad, celebrating pride:

When a teen lesbian couple was found attacked in Texas, one of them killed, and the other in serious condition in a nearby hospital: 

Buzzfeed still manages to instill hope: 

The world still has a lot of growing to do, but this selection of photos fills my heart with so much warmth and happiness. 

Thank you. 


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Capturing Philadelphia.

Inspiring for the beautiful articulation of what it's like to be young and living in West Philly. Inspiring also in the beauty it captures of Philadelphia as a city, its imperfections contributing to its authentic character. Also inspiring because it is written by a fabulous writer, who also happens to be a dear friend of mine from Haverford. This piece will likely be one of countless future ones. Please read:


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Inspirational Tuesday...

A story about a young woman who dreamt to create a school for girls in Kenya, that could provide not only a promise of education, but access to improved healthcare, clean water, and a way to "fundamentally change the way people would value girls and women" (p. 4).

Submitted by Lauren, NYC, who has worked at Chapin School in Manhattan, the school mentioned in the article that partners with this project. Very cool!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day, everyone :)

In honor of this day:

And, a much-delayed inspirational campaign provided by Lauren, NYC:

And, finally a fifth grader with a powerful message: 

Cheers till next time :)